
联系人: Eric Dial
电话: 1.800.328.2133 x 127
Email: edial@donatech.com
城市: Detroit, MI
发布时间: 2007-09-23 12:19:54.0

Please distrubute the following information to your community:

Position: Engineer

Company: Automobile manufacturer.

Location: Metro Detroit.

Position Type: Contract (approximately 1 year).

Relocation: No.

Education: Open

Experience: 5 years.

- Initiates the design process
- Performs the design analysis
- Diagnoses and corrects deficiencies
- Assists in maintaining cost controls
- Provides technical direction to support personnel
- Initiates supportive build programs
- Plans and implements test and/or development programs
- Coordinates engineering activities as necessary with other departments and/or divisions
- Coordinates with suppliers and/or customers on a frequent basis
- Stays abreast of new technology
- Regular contact with others outside the work group
- 40 hours per week, no overtime

Required Skills/Experience:
- hand's on experience with and knowledge of piston engines required
- experience with Unigraphics preferred
- High level of analytical ability where problems are unusual and difficult
- Understanding of engineering theory and principles of design
- Oral and written communication skills
- High level of interpersonal skills to work effectively with others
- Familiarity with basic machine tools, sheet metal and fabrication
- Training in computer applications
- valid driver's license required

Salary: Open, depending on experience and salary/rate history.

If you are interested in the opportunity, please email me a word document copy of your resume, your current salary, your salary requirements for a new position, and your date of availability (2-4 weeks from acceptance of offer, for example). Please also mention the title and the location of the position.


Eric Dial
Technical Recruiter
Donatech Corporation
1.800.328.2133 x 127

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