密歇根州政府为什么要给一条狗发失业救济金(多图)发布时间: 2018-02-05 21:27:14.0






“So my dog Ryder gets approved for unemployment benefits of 360 per week,” Ryder’s owner, Michael Haddock, wrote on Facebook, according to ABC affiliate WZZM.据美国广播公司WZZM电台报道,米迦勒?哈多克在脸书网上写道:“我的狗莱德得到了每周360美元的失业救济金。”

He added: “Not sure what he is going to do with the money but should be interesting. I knew he was clever but he surprised me on this one.”哈多克还说:“不知道莱德打算如何花这笔钱,但这应该很有趣。我知道他很聪明,但这件事还是让我大吃一惊。”

Haddock, an attorney in Saugatuck, Mich., told WZZM that he received a letter last weekend from the State of Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency addressed to his dog — sort of.哈多克是密歇根州索格塔克市的一名律师,他告诉WZZM,上周末他收到了一封密歇根州失业保险机构寄来的信件,“收件人”应该是他的狗。

It was sent to “Michael Ryder.”这封信是寄给“米迦勒?莱德”的。

Haddocksaid the employer listed on the letter was a restaurant chain in Metro Detroit.哈多克称,信件中提到的雇主是大底特律都会区的一家连锁餐厅。

“My name is Michael; my dog is Ryder,” Haddock told the station. “I was surprised to see it, but I had a good laugh, actually.”哈多克该诉WZZM:“我的名字是米迦勒,我的狗叫莱德,这个‘收件人’让我很意外,实话说,我觉得很好笑。”

But it was no laughing matter to Talent Investment Agency spokesman Chris DeWitt. Talent Investment Agency is a part of Unemployment Insurance Agency, which is cracking down on false claims that come from a criminal element.但对于密歇根人才投资机构的克里斯?德威特来说,这件事非同小可。人才投资机构是失业保险机构的一个分支机构,后者严厉打击犯罪分子的骗保行为。

The UIA announced it's creating a special investigative unit to handle the recent increase in false claims, according to WZZM.据WZZM电台报道,失业保险机构宣布,他们已经成立了一支专项调查小组来处理近来日益增多的骗保行为。

The UIA said its computer system did send out the initial letter to Haddock's address, according to WZZM. However, it was flagged as suspicious during the next step in the unemployment process. The agency has since sent another letter to Haddock's address denying the claim.WZZM称,失业保险机构表示,其电脑系统的确曾向哈多克的地址发送过第一封信件。不过,他们在处理流程的下一步发现该失业索赔有疑点。此后该机构已经向哈多克的地址发送了另一封信件拒绝索赔。

"It's important to note that no money was paid out,'' DeWitt said. "Criminals get a hold of people's personal information like name, address and Social Security numbers and file a false claim. This is a crime. I saw the story and it was a case of incorrect information being sent to the UIA for a false claim. There have been data breaches that have happened over the last few years that has been obtained by criminals. Those criminals are using that information to file claims."德威特表示:“重要的是,这个钱并没有付出去。犯罪分子掌握了人们的个人信息,比如姓名、住址和社保号码,并提交虚假的索赔申请。这是犯罪行为。我看到这则报道了。这是一个向失业保险机构提供错误信息来骗取保险的案例。在过去几年间发生过数据泄露事件,犯罪分子掌握了这些数据。他们正在利用这些信息骗保。”

In 2014, 17.6 million U.S. residents older than 16 had their identities stolen, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.据司法统计局最新数据显示,2014年有1760万年龄在16岁以上的美国居民身份被盗用。

On Tuesday, TIA Director Wanda M. Stokes announced in a press release that the agency had put out a tip sheet on preventing identity theft.1月30日,人才投资机构主管旺达?M?斯托克斯在新闻发布会上宣布,该机构已经发布了一份防止身份盗用的提示单。

"ID theft is a growing crime in all sectors, including unemployment fraud,'' Stokes said. "By taking a few simple steps individuals and businesses can prevent, or at least limit the damage, if there is an ID theft attempted.斯托克斯称:“各个领域的身份盗窃犯罪都在日益增加,其中包括失业诈骗。如果有人试图盗用他人身份,个人或企业只要采取几个简单的步骤就可以阻止此类事件发生,或者至少将损失降到最低。”

来源: 中国日报网


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