新世纪教育中心2010年秋季新课程介绍发布时间: 2010-08-20 10:39:35.0

NCCAE will offer some new classes to address the needs from our communities, the class registration starts now.
我们来到美国,美国的文化与中国的文化有着天壤之别。中国崇尚老黄牛精神。只要你好好干,你一定会被看到,一定会被奖励。而美国却完全不一样。对美国文化,无论是在社会上还是在工作上,有一句中国话可以最贴切的表述这个社会的文化特点:闹夜的孩子有奶喝,还可以多喝奶。你自己有问题你自己就要说出来,而且要高调的让别人听得见,不能低调。否则人家就认为你很满意,没人会主动问你的。另外我们大多是搞技术的,一辈子就受技术训练,讲起技术问题夸夸其谈。而对人文,对社会,对人与人之间的交流,却很不擅长,或者说根本不及格。再加上语言的问题,我们中国人在向工作的金字塔上前进的时候,往往处于劣势。很多时候自己的结果往往自己首先就妄自菲薄,不会吹。同样的结果被人家拿去一吹牛就成了伟大发明了。你自己做好了,不会去向别人,向你上级,向你的同事推销你自己,这是对你自己才能的最大的浪费,讲演推销自己就是生产力,在某种意义上比你的技术成果更重要。君不见你的同事比你学位低,比你的技术能力低,但人家的讲演推销能力比你高,结果怎么样呢?我就不说了吧。为此,新世纪教育中心本学期特聘Ms. Sands教授成人公共讲演课程。您在这个课程里,将会学到如何选择讲演方式,如何利用手势,如何跟听众眼睛接触,心灵互动,如何利用的声调,如何利用抑扬顿挫吸引听众,讲演的时候那些毛病是不应该有的,最后你可能还有机会参加讲演竞赛,老师会请讲演高手给你评分。Ms. Sands在过去的一年里在新世纪教育中心教授中小学的公共讲演,受到了广大家长与孩子的欢迎。在她的班级里,有的孩子刚来的时候,让她自我介绍一下都不敢,吓得哭起来。但经过Ms. Sands的教导,在学期末的讲演竞赛中都可以落落大方的,甚至都可以评论美国总统了。公共讲演如此受欢迎,有的孩子学过两次呢。在我们的网站上你可以一睹她们的风采。
Adult Public Speech : 公共演讲和技术发言限招十名)
To be the leader, or not to be the leader, that is the question, this question is the same as Shakespeare mentioned in the most famous Hamlet. The "Old Yellow Ox" spirit may be in your blood as it goes centuries in our history and pass on to your children even they were born here. While we are in this land of opportunity, we have to face the reality: To be a leader or to be follower. To change that attitudes, and change your behavior from a follower to a leader, NCCAE will offer a chance to just do it: that is our new offering of: “The leadership” class. The seats for the class are limited to 12 first lucky registers, and the number is running out quicker than you expect, and all later comers will be put in a waiting list without any exceptions.
Another new class is the Advanced Elementary English Reading. I don’t think your children have problems of reading English. However if you want him/her to be fostering a good habit, mastering the reading essence and standing out, then you may think the Advanced Elementary English Reading Class. Also the seats are limited too.
The third new class is the PSAT workshop. If you are 11th grader, you have to take it. It’s best practice for the 10th grader to take the PSAT just for test water so you know how to improve themselves to take it on their 11th grade. There are some scholarships provided to the best achievers in the test. In 2008, more than 10,000 test takers shared some slice of the $50 million cake.
For Public Speech class 1 and 2, some students could not attend them due to later registration than others, and were put into a waiting list, now you are guaranteed to have a seat in the class you late registered last Summer. But you have to register this time too.
Mathcount class was split into two classes, Mathcount 1 and Mathcount 2 (advanced) to address the different levels of students in the same class so that your children will learn the math more efficiently.
NCCAE leadership is open minded, if your children would want to learn something  or you want your children to learn something, you may ask us if we can build a business case to open that class just for you (it’s better you have a group of parents to make a business case)
想成为领袖人物还是想当跟班的? 这是个问题。我们开办领袖人物训练班欢迎您。教师:Mr. Larry Liu
1. Leadership (中学/高中生):
The class goals:
2. For 10th and 11th high school students, the October 14, 17 are the PSAT test for them. 11th graders must take and 10th grader can take it as a test water to verify their readiness for the SAT test. There are scholarships offered if you get a high score in PSAT. NCCAE will offer Workshops for PSAT test.
PSAT Workshop (Writing/Reading/Math)
    11th Grader 必考;10th Grader 预考
    $50 million to be given
    PSAT 考试时间: 10/13; 10/16
    PSAT English:Workshop 时间: 9/11;9/12; 9/18;9/19; 9/25; 9/26;10/2; 10/3; 10/9; 10/10
There are more classes to take.
有问题请联系我们的黄显利校长 : 734-233-5798



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