皮卡需求旺盛 通用増聘750名员工进行第三波生产发布时间: 2011-01-25 05:08:26.0



        通用北美总裁Mark Reuss在Flint工厂发表声明称,第一波増聘的员工将于第二季度开工。


        Mark Reuss表示,通用皮卡需求旺盛导致此次増聘员工。自2009年7月以来,通用已经在美国和加拿大的24家工厂宣布投资38亿多美元,增加就业岗位超过11,500个。




2010-08-21 12:41:59
皇帝女儿不愁嫁, 光干不说也白瞎。 形像工程要抓紧, 新世纪里一朵花。
2010-08-21 12:20:22
小买卖,不吆喝怎么行啊? 可有一说: 酒香不怕巷子深。
2010-08-21 04:55:50
看我们的讲演冠军得主的讲演稿。 Start Smiling! By Amy Joseph Addison once said, “What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.” Isn’t that true? Without joy or smiles or anything happy in the world wouldn’t all of us become sad, dull, and boring people? Smiles bring joy and excitement in our lives; without them there would be no point to life. Smiles can improve your health; change your appearance, and spread happiness in our world. Because of these three reasons, I believe that we should start smiling! Mother Teresa believed “peace begins with a smile.” A genuine smile puts us at ease while a frown does the exact opposite. Try smiling right now. Relax your face and put on your best “Mona Lisa” smile and take in a few long calming breaths. Now, frown. Feel the difference? Considering it takes 26 muscles to smile but 62 muscles to frown, why strain yourself with a scowl? French physiologist, Dr Israel Waynbaum has proven that smiling can lower stress, produce hormones that stabilize blood pressure, relax muscles, reduce pain, accelerate healing, and most importantly, improve your mood! But what if we don’t feel like smiling right now? Can you fake a smile and still get the same effects? The answer is yes. According to a research study in University of Würzburg, even though a true smile has deeper results, a surface smile can trick the brain into releasing happy hormones. So if you’re just having a bad day and everything seems to be going wrong try to fake a smile and you will feel a lot better! Another reason to smile more is, smiling changes your appearance. We are typically drawn to people who are smiling. We all want to be friends with a nice, sunny person rather than a person who scowls all of the time. Frowns, scowls, and grimaces tell people “I think I’ll stay away from her” while a pleasant smile says, “She’s nice.” Also, smiling makes you look more successful. Smiling people look confident and prepared, and their smile tells other people that they are comfortable with what they are doing. For instance, a boss is more likely to hire the smiling applicant rather than the one who looks uncomfortable and uneasy with what she is doing. One more reason you should smile more is because it is contagious. If you give a smile to someone the other person can’t help but smile back at you. And because of your smile that person will most likely smile at someone else in the room. You can change the whole mood of the room just by smiling. A smiling person spreads happiness with them. Smile lots and the people around you wills start to smile too! In a customer service seminar, all the students were taught how to pick up a phone. When the phone rang, before they picked it up they were told to take a calming breath and smile to themselves. The person calling would receive the peaceful energy by answering the call. So, just by a phone call, a smile and calming energy is passed. So, the quote “Smile and the world smiles with you” really is true! Smiling has so many benefits. Remember, smiling improves your health, changes your appearance, and spreads happiness in our world. You’ll find that the more smiles you give, the more you will receive in return. So smile on your bus, at your workplace, at school, or anywhere you go. Once you become accustomed to doing so, you’ll see and feel the difference you are making. Start smiling! J
2010-08-21 04:53:10
2010-08-20 11:23:44
这阵老黄很火, 文章不分段落。 红蓝墨水全有, 推销全靠吆喝。

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